When Should You Redesign Your Website and Why?

website redesign
Voiced by Amazon Polly

Last updated on April 18th, 2024 at 10:57 am

Your website is a very important part of your business. It’s basically the front window of your store, your first impression, and a deciding factor to help capture a potential customer’s attention – so it better be good!

When designing a website, we focus on the needs and requirements of the business at the given time of the design. As a business grows, so does its brand and service offerings. As time goes on, your website may not capture those elements anymore and maybe it’s time for a fresh look; a redesign! If you’re uncertain whether or not redesigning your website would be a good move for your business, then keep reading; this should help you decide.

When should you redesign your website?

There are a few deciding factors that go into the decision to redesign your website. Here are 10 examples of when and why you should redesign your site:

  • The website looks old and dated
  • You offer new services
  • Your site no longer represents your business voice/brand
  • Your site is not functioning properly
  • Your site no longer meets your business requirements
  • You’ve had a business and logo rebranding
  • Your site is slow
  • Your site isn’t responsive or mobile-friendly
  • You are not receiving the desired results
  • Your website is not optimized for search engines


responsive web design

Why should you revamp & update your website?

So now you know when you should consider a website redesign, but perhaps you’re wondering why your website needs to be updated/revamped every so often.

If you know your website is struggling or just not doing it for your business anymore, then trust us, your website visitors probably feel the same way!

Let’s say, for example, someone hears about a service you offer and they know your company name. They then do a quick search online to find your website so they can read more about how your service offering works, what the process is, how payment works etc. but they cannot find anything about it on your website because you have not updated your site yet with the new information, so they leave.

They close your site and find another company offering the same service but with clear details about it on their website. Yikes! You’ve just lost a potential client.

A similar scenario can happen if your website doesn’t work properly or is outdated. When website visitors search for something online, they usually open a few tabs of similar offerings to compare them. If your site isn’t loading properly, looks like it was created 20 years ago, or throws error pages, the visitor will most likely assume your business is no longer active, therefore closing your page. This is called bounce rate. The time a visitor spends on your site is an important ranking factor in search engine optimization (SEO). Low rankings equal low importance, as determined by Google, which results in your site being very far down in search results pages.


A website redesign is highly recommended for anyone who checks a few of the above-mentioned boxes. Redesigning your website is not just for making it look pretty and appealing; it’s important for user experience and business branding.

Revamping and updating your website could be one of the best decisions you make for your business this year. At Digital Consulting, we design websites with your business in mind. Maximize your business growth, minimize your bounce rate and redesign your site for optimum performance!

Get in touch for a web redesign quote today and see the future benefits.

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