Monthly Archives - August 2022

ecommerce websites

What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Ecommerce Websites?

Ecommerce websites are becoming an increasingly important part of our online lives. The convenience and speed at which you can get products from your favorite brands is just one of the reasons why. But with all the bells and whistles we have available to us today, there are many ways ecommerce websites can go wrong. Here are some tips for making sure your website works well:

Do make your ecommerce website mobile-friendly

If your ecommerce site is not mobile-friendly, you could...

search engine optimisation

Getting Started with Search Engine Optimisation: A Blog About SEO for Beginners

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a way to increase the number of visitors you get from search engines, like Google and Bing. SEO is important because it helps bring more customers to your website -- which means more revenue! That said, SEO can be overwhelming for beginners. There are so many things to consider when it comes to optimising your site with SEO. Luckily, we'll give you a brief introduction to some of the best practices that people use on...

wordpress product upload

WordPress Product Upload Guide

Are you the proud owner of an eCommerce WordPress site and ready to learn how to upload new products? Without further ado or any jibber-jabber, let's get started!

What You'll Learn:

Add Product Info: Navigate to Products > Add New, then add the product name, description, and details like price and SKU. Choose Product Type: Select from product types like Simple, Variable, or Downloadable, depending on your product needs. Organize with Categories & Tags: Assign categories and tags to help...

eat in seo

What does EAT mean in SEO?

You may be hearing and seeing the word 'eat' travelling around the net lately, but this is not the article for that Gen-Z slang. This is about SEO. Yes, that's right, this is an SEO term! There are a few terms and jargon in SEO that not many people understand. E-A-T is one of those terms. Common questions such as “How does EAT impact SEO?”, “What does E-A-T stand for?” and “What does E-A-T mean in SEO?” are all questions...