Author - Blogger01

Google Ranking

What Affects Your Ranking on Google?

There are said to be over 200 factors that all play a part in your Google ranking. Unfortunately, we don't know what all these factors are because Google keeps it a secret, but we can determine some common factors that help determine what affects your ranking on Google. Many people assume there is a clear guideline as to what affects their ranking and often ask us if there is any quick fix or specific things they can do. No, there are...

time on site and bounce rate

What is Time on Site and Bounce Rate?

Time on Site and Bounce Rate are popular metrics that website owners like to track. If you manage your website or blog marketing, chances are you’ve been curious as to how well your site is doing, and how many people have actually interacted with it. Using a popular analytics tool like Google Analytics, you’ll see a couple of different metric reports. However, since the launch of Google Analytics 4, these metrics are no longer measured and reported as they used to...


How Do Blogs Benefit Digital Marketing?

Blogging is considered by many to be one of the most powerful tools of digital marketing and brand awareness for your business. Whether your business is big or small, sharing relevant and useful content for your audience is an effective way to promote your brand and form long-lasting relationships with your clients and customers. How do blogs benefit digital marketing? People love content. Especially online content. Since everything nowadays is online and often searched on a smartphone, making sure your content...

web design south africa

What are the Requirements for Web Design in South Africa?

Is your business ready to get its first website? Getting a website designed for your company or business is a very exciting journey. Whether you’re just starting out or are a big company, a website is incredibly beneficial for your growth. Before you get started on the journey and the website build gets underway, there are a few things you need to get sorted first. If you’ve been holding off on a new website or getting a redesign because you’re not...

improve SEO ranking

Five Ways to Improve Your SEO Ranking in 2024

The year is moving along quickly, but it’s not too late to implement the hottest digital marketing strategies of 2024. In fact, getting up to speed with the latest trends is a good idea all-year-round. No matter what time of year it is, creating and regularly posting high-quality content will always be one of the top ways to improve your ranking. Want a ranking boost for your business and website? Follow these 5 ways to improve your SEO ranking to give you...

responsive web design cape town

What’s the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Do you know the difference between web design and web development? Perhaps you are you looking to get a website designed but not sure which service to ask about. Or maybe you’re interested in a career with a web company but aren’t sure which path to take. So you’re wondering, what’s the difference between web design and web development? This is one of the most common questions we see related to websites. So we decided to address this frequently asked question...

5 Reasons Why Blogging is Important for Your Business

One of the best ways to show your customers & clients that you are an expert in your niche and business industry is to prove it to them by sharing your knowledge. This is a cost-effective way to promote your business and convince people of your expertise without being too sales-y. Posting blog articles that are informative, helpful and answer common industry-related and customer questions is a great way to establish trust and build a good reputation in your industry. By...

website hosting

How Does Website Hosting Affect SEO?

A website host can help make or break your site ranking, so it’s definitely important that you have a good and reliable website host! We are going to take a look at the top factors that a website host is responsible for that also affect SEO. What is website hosting? Your website cannot exist without a registered domain (your website name and URL. i.e. and a hosting provider to host that domain. A web hosting service provides a space for...

SEO Ranking

Can You Stop Your SEO After a Few Months?

There are a lot of questions and doubts about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). How long does it take to see results? How much does it cost? Is SEO worth it? What is SEO exactly? And so on and so on. But one of the most commonly asked questions surrounding SEO, is in fact, “Can you stop SEO after a few months?” To get a better understanding of this question, let’s take a look at why SEO is important. Search...

google rankbrain

What is Google’s RankBrain and how does it affect SEO?

If you’re serious about your SEO then you should know about Google RankBrain. RankBrain is a machine learning artificial intelligence (AI) that is used in Google’s search algorithm. RankBrain was introduced and confirmed to be in use in October 2015 and is still the only artificial intelligence in the Google search algorithm. How does it work? Let's take a look at how AI is used in Google's RankBrain.

How does it work?

RankBrain is part of Google’s search algorithm, this...