10 Things You Can Do to Secure Your WordPress Site

wordpress website security
Voiced by Amazon Polly

Last updated on August 2nd, 2022 at 02:34 pm

Are you running a business online? Or enjoy managing a blog? Then WordPress is a core part of your run-of-the-mill activities on the web. Apart from supporting your site with powerful SEO, other security measures should be taken to decrease or purge the element of risk. The primary installation of WordPress is simple and secure. However, adding themes, custom code, plugins, and users increases the likelihood of being hacked.

Things You Should Know

Whether you are a WordPress pro or novice enthusiast, you should take your website security seriously! Read through our reference list before instigating security strategies:

  • Keep your WordPress updated with the latest version, as it often contains security updates.
  • Delete plugins that are presently not in use.
  • Download plugins and themes from trusted, official sources.
  • Change passwords often and use password generators to create strong ones.
  • Don’t use “admin” as your username.
  • Do plenty of backups!

Things to Do

Don’t know much about WordPress security? Take your hand off the panic button, as guarding your site with verified tactics is not too difficult. Here are some of the best things to do that will keep you armed with the latest security techniques.

1. Eliminate PHP Error Reporting

Never leave a loose end with your site. Close all the weak spots and holes by beefing up your site’s security and eliminating the automatic PHP error reporting pop-up. Let’s say you’re troubleshooting an issue (it’s fast and simple) and your error report is sent to the masterminds at WordPress. Guess who else is reading this report? Hackers! They can easily extract your server’s path via examining the error report, so turning it off altogether is a good WordPress security practice.

404 php error

2. Change Your WordPress Database Prefix

Have you installed WordPress before? Then say hello to your old friend, wp_ table prefix! This is a default prefix that is prone to lethal SQL attacks and a simple change in the term like mywp_ or newwp_ can prevent a hacking attempt. You can also use plugins to change the default prefix like WP-DBManager.

3. Avoid Going Overboard With Plugins

Don’t we all simply love plugins? They make our site more receptive, easy to use, and appealing. They are just like apps but for your site – they also have the tendency to bulk up the site and increase chances of a foray. Limit the total number of plugins you want to install in the first place. Apart from WordPress security, your site speed and performance are fairly contingent upon these plugins. The fewer plugins you have, the fewer entry points for the hackers! If you are looking for certain functionality or design aspects for your site, consider changing your theme or using an advanced page builder such as Elementor instead of installing multiple plugins for various needs.

wordpress security

4. Backup Your Site More Regularly

If you ask us about the best WordPress security practice in town, then we’ll tell you that backups tops the list! It is the best antidote for any devastating attack that can crumble the foundation of your website. Regardless of the hacker’s attempt to sabotage your site, you can restore it back to its copiously functional state any time. VaultPress (Now part of JetPack), Backup Buddy, and BlogVault are some of the most trusted and popular backup plugins. 

5. Switch to HTTPS

The SSL/TLS certificate switches your site to HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), which is indeed a securer version of HTTP. This is a protocol that transfers data between a website and any browser. Baddies can intercept the data while in transition and use it for all the wrong reasons. HTTPS solves this problem by encrypting the site’s data for transition.

hhtps secure 

6. Install Additional Firewall Security Software 

Firewall is a popular concept – it is a program that helps block unwanted attacks. WAF is a Web Application Firewall that is specifically designed for websites. In simpler words, it functions as a barrier between your website and the rest of the Internet. It also monitors any incoming activity and other unwanted events. You can opt for a dedicated tool to serve as the protector of your site. 

7. Actively Monitor WordPress Files 

If a hacker makes an attempt to tamper with your WordPress files, you can catch it by monitoring the files. Security plugins such as WordFence can easily monitor and track the files for possible infringement. It is an excellent way to keep your website under supervision and prevent an attack.

8. Use 2-Factor Authentication

2FA, also known as two-factor authentication, is a great WordPress security measure. The user has to offer two different authentications for login. A regular password followed by a secret question or a unique code. You can try Google Authentication plugin to get help in a few clicks.

9. Disallow Editing

Usually, multiple users can have access to the WordPress dashboard. They can edit files, install new plugins, and complete other actions, depending on their permission. Disallow file editing to other users. Even if a hacker manages to get inside the dashboard, they won’t be able to rework the files.

10. Remove WordPress Version Number 

Any rookie hacker can find the WordPress version number of your site. It is visible in your site’s source view. Hackers can use this number to create the setting of a perfect attack. Any security plugin can hide your site’s version number. You can also go for an all-in-one security solution plugin like WPMUDEV.

wpmudev wordpress security

Image Source: WPMUDEV


Final Words

What if your site gets hacked? You’ll invest hours and money to repair the damage, perpetually lose data, compromise the personal data of your clients, and so much more. This is the intention and drive that you need to invest time and finances to counterattack these situations. These tactics will strengthen your WordPress security and will prevent any conceivable damage.


We provide a Protection Plan to all our clients who host with us and optionally to clients who don’t host with us.  With our Protection Package, we install additional security software to address the points above, conduct additional site backups, and restore the site should it become compromised.



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