Website Design Acceptance Form

    By accepting this form, you agree to the following: • I understand that web design is charged at 50% upfront and 50% upon completion or within 90 days, whichever is sooner. • I have made clear, exactly what all the requirements in terms of functionality, design and integration required of the website are and accept that any requirements not already specified may not be covered by the quote for the site. • I acknowledge that DigitalConsulting will allow for 2 (two) revisions to a website page and further changes will incur additional costs. • I understand that the creation of a website does not mean the website will necessarily be found in search engines as the ranking of websites within search engines comprises of separate SEO services, not included in the web design service. • I understand that DigitalConsulting does not accept any responsibility for website hacks, malicious code injections, hosting software changes or any other external factor which may cause my site to stop working. • I understand that the website content and material remain the property of DigitalConsulting until all outstanding payments for the site are made in full. • I understand that DigitalConsulting will not provide any refunds where the design has progressed beyond the homepage design and where I have not expressly made clear that I am unhappy with the design at the first review of the homepage. • I understand that DigitalConsulting provides no guarantees on completion timelines. • I will endeavour to provide timely feedback on reviewing the website when requested by DigitalConsulting. • I understand that the integration of a payment gateway is limited to payments gateways which provide plugins for integration and will not include coding or API integration unless expressly mentioned and quoted accordingly. • I understand that any 3rd party integrations (mailing lists, API's, etc) are excluded unless expressly mentioned and quoted accordingly. • I understand that websites developed in WordPress will have confinements and not all changes to functionality or design will be possible. • I understand that the performance of my website can be affected by my hosting provider. • DigitalConsulting will not be held responsible for the loss of any business or damage caused in rendering this service. • I understand that it is my duty to test the functionality of the website, including the contact email forms before the conclusion of the site. • I understand that any request, whether it is an alteration or a fix, will be regarded as a separate project which may incur additional billing (if a retainer is not in place) once the website has gone live. • I understand that my website will only go live after all payments have been settled.
    We strongly advise all our clients to take a monthly support retainer to allow for changes or fixes to be applied to your site when it is required. Do you agree to take a monthly retainer with us which will be setup via a debit order?
    Yes, 20mins Support p/m @ R149 p/m, or:Yes, 1hr Support p/m @ R299 p/m
    No, I accept the risk and understand that any additional support will be charged at R350 p/hr with a minimum of R500 for out of retainer support